
For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

- Matthew 6:21

Giving Online

We offer two convenient ways to give digitally. Contact the church office for other available methods of giving.
Both options below allow you to designate which fund(s) you would like your giving to go towards. There is a note/message option in PayPal and when e-transferring. Use this to tell the office where you would like to designate your funds. For example if you are giving $10 and you would like to split that amount into two different funds, you can write in the message section: “$5 general fund, $5 memorial fund”.


You do not need a PayPal account and you will be given the option to give to a designated fund if you wish. You will have the option to write a note if you wish to give to an alternative fund or to multiple funds.


Give through online banking e-transfer: Within your online banking settings, set-up Grace Gospel Church as an e-transfer payee using the email address: You will have the option to leave a message/memo to designate what fund you would like your giving to go towards.